MyTARC Mobile

A fare payment app that includes trip planning for my local transit agency, the Transit Authority of River City (TARC).

Every Sunday I receive a weekly UX newsletter challenge that asked us to design a fare payment app for MTA (New York City's transportation agency). I wanted to go a step further and design a fare payment app that also includes trip planning for TARC. In the spirit of the weekly challenge, this project was completed in one week, with a few revisions to flesh out the app coming in the second week.

I performed a competitive audit, particularly looking at Google Maps and Transit. I also relied on my years of experience working at TARC and talking to passengers about their needs for both trip planning and fare-paying. My role in creating TARC's current website also informed this process.

My first step was to create a flow where users could pick their fare options. For this example, the user is purchasing their monthly unlimited pass.

For trip planning, I wanted users to easily pick common destinations like work or home. It is important for the passenger to be able to know all of their route options, as well as how far away the buses are for each option. I decided to color code late buses with a dark red. Additionally, it was crucial for me to ensure you could easily use your fare payment option as part of the trip planning flow. That is notated by the purple activation button.

After the first week of work, I went back and added a section for service alerts (#RiderAlerts) and modified the payment option section.